Auron and I are out on another trip. This time with both grandmas. Headed to north Carolina for another craft show. I lost my phone and as a result I lost a lot of pictures. I have not given up on the phone I will find it and fill in the gaps from past blogs. For now however we will just move on. I say that but I have some from the past I want to add like his first day at kindergarten and school stuff but pictures will again have to be added later.
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Swimming Lessons
Auron has started swimming lessons. I feel like I messed up by not teaching him earlier and being afraid he would drown. It was silly and if I ever have another child I will not repeat this mistake. Anyhow he has been doing well they have him being able to go under the water and even get toys. This may only be in an area he can stand in but he is learning to hold his breath and close his eyes under water he does well. The date may be wrong on these will fix on the computer later.
Pokemon Go and Park
We went to an event in down town Euistis and we were on the news. We had a lot of fun with the entire family. Auron met up with friends from school.( their parents also play Pokemon go) Some people feel that the game is silly especially for people my age and people with children. I would have to disagree. I have MS and spending time with my son can be hard. The most important thing for me to do is move. With that said my whole family can play, walk and just enjoy ourselves.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
We headed to the Aquarium.
We walked under the tunnel looking at sharks and other fish all around us.
Then we went to the penguin play house. Auron crawled through the tunnel and tried to poke his head up.
From there we hit the playground.
While Auron and his 10 year old friend were playing I went across the room and touched some jelly fish.
We watched a slideshow about penguin ate and headed to mini golf around 2:00.We played a good game of mini golf Auron enjoys the little decorations but he really doesn't have as much fun learning how to hold the club.
We left the minigolf attraction and started our 1.5 mile walk back to the convention center to meet my mother in-law. When we got there Auron made a sand bottle necklace while we packed up the hats. Once all the hats were put up we headed home around 6:30.
We will have to add distances and pictures later!
Saturday, July 16, 2016
And some avengers.
we also ran across some of Ripley's attractions that we are not going to visit.

After walking for quite some time we finally made it to the convention center.
We saw some cool booths.
Auron got to craft at the kids crafting table.
Friday, July 15, 2016
Back and Trip to Tennesse
We went to Dolly wood.
We three day two park passes. On the second day Auron won a big turtle that looked like the turtle from Finding Nemo but on the last ride I left it behind. I felt bad so we on the way out I got him a sweet toy.
On the third day we went to splash country.
We had a blast. I greatly enjoyed using my LG g5 because I never missed a call or picture since the battery is interchangeable the phone lasted all day in full use. I will add pictures as soon as I have better internet because their is no Wi-Fi in the cottage. The data and signal is horrible. However, it has been nice not being stuck to the internet. Tomorrow we plan to go exploring the area nearest the cottage and Sunday we will be going to three of the Ripley's believe it or not attractions. We are super excited. We will have to add a picture of his toy later.