So My son's name is Auron. He was born on February 17th of 2011. He was the best thing that ever happened to me, I was able to breastfeed him until he was a little over one year old. Auron was such a good eater and never had to have any formula I could sustain him. Being able to trust my body and fully sustain my child's life was a miracle to me. I have always wanted children and planned on having children ever since I was really little. As soon as he was born I had him in front of a camera I did not want to miss anything I spent every moment I could watching him grow and teaching him all I could. Life without him is something I can no longer imagine. However, things are never rainbows and butterflies. When I found out I was pregnant my husband and I lived in our own apartment in Houston Texas and supported 3 other friends of ours who were 17, 18, and 27. They had been kicked out and had no were else to turn we tried really hard to do what their parents could not. We tried to show them how to take care of themselves since their parents had taught them that they would never make it on their own and would always need their parents to do everything for them. They lived with us until I was at least 6 months along when I lost my job and my husband was offered a job in Galveston. It would be a good job and he would have college paid for by his grandpa who had offered this new job. We sent away our friends safely to their own places and they were able to function now. We stayed with his grandpa but we were now living in a fema trailer and sleeping on a cot together I started getting sick and having nose bleeds so His grandpa sent me to live with my dad and I tried to keep my husband at bay with his grandpa so we could make it. His grandpa stopped paying for his college and sent him to live with me because they did not agree on the way his grandpa was treating Rosalie his wife from the Philippines. So we went from taking care of ourselves to having nothing but ourselves. After I had my son My father kicked me out and we moved to Florida after spending a month in a hotel. I moved in with my mom and My husband went through jobs until he found one that would support us. My son is now almost two and none of our past experiences have affected us in a negative way. I go to school and babysit my husband works and we live in our own duplex with his mom who moved all the way from Texas so she could "spend time with her grandson" and "help us out". Really she has lived off us and spent most of her time partying and drinking but that is another story. I began a youtube channel so that family members could watch my son with me. He is very active fun and oh so cute. He loves to watch the discovery channel, the history channel, and many other informational channels. He only watches a few cartoons but even they are educational. He likes to play with animal figures his favorite animals are horses. When he was 11 months old he fell of the bed getting his leg caught and breaking it. I was right next to him when it happened but could not catch him fast enough. He broke it in two places but it never slowed him down. He got the cast off right before his first birthday. So this blog will be to display chapters from my sons life as they have happened and continue to happen! I hope you are able to enjoy his life as I do.
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Awesome Auron's YouTUBE channel
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