The very beginning
I went to Cancun for my birthday in June of 2010 While I was there my father warned me that drinking the water or brushing my teeth with the water may cause me to become sick. I did not believe him so I brushed my teeth with the water instead of using water from a bottle. I got home and was sick soon after. I went to the E.R. and was shocked to find out that it was not the water but I was three months pregnant. I really thought I was going to have a girl. In my family girls are very prevalent My husband was an only child so it was hard to say.
I soon found out I was having a boy and changes the name I wanted from Aya to Auron. The name Auron was picked because I wanted it to be begin with an "A" and my husband loved to play final fantasy and so Auron was a character he liked and I researched it and then agreed to it. It means mountain of strength and is unusual so I liked it. After the struggles of finding out I was pregnant, losing my job, and having to move back in with my dad I worked as hard as I could to find other ways to get the things that I needed for my son. I discovered a place in Beaumont Texas that they called the hope center. This place was great I could write essays, go to church, and bring in pictures of the baby for points, then I could spend these points on things I needed. I worked as hard as I could and bought clothes, diapers, and even a crib for my son. before I had my son we learned he was breached and so they scheduled a C-section for February 17, 2011. I had not been scared the entire pregnancy I could not wait to have my baby normally regardless of pain or anything I was going to do this. So finding out I had to have my son with a C-section was greatly upsetting. I prepared to have the baby and my mother flew in from Florida. While I was preparing I did what they call nesting. I reorganized my entire room at least three times and labeled all of the drawers so people would know where my sons clothes were supposed to go. While I was pregnant I did all of my dads laundry, ran all of his errands, tutored his son and helped out with the food. I basically made sure that I did what I was asked.

When I had my son he was 6 Lbs. 13 Oz. and 21 inches long and the next day I was informed I could no longer live with my dad because his wife did not like my husband. So when I was released, I was lucky it was after tax season, I used all of my income taxes, my husbands income taxes, and my mothers income taxes to rent a hotel that we stayed in for the first month or two of my sons life. After that we stayed with my grandmother until in March we moved to Florida But that is another story.
When I had my son he was 6 Lbs. 13 Oz. and 21 inches long and the next day I was informed I could no longer live with my dad because his wife did not like my husband. So when I was released, I was lucky it was after tax season, I used all of my income taxes, my husbands income taxes, and my mothers income taxes to rent a hotel that we stayed in for the first month or two of my sons life. After that we stayed with my grandmother until in March we moved to Florida But that is another story.
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